SDBR Club Day Rd 3 - 17th Mar 2019

Round 3, on the 17th March 2019 out at our Jedburgh Track out the back of Wyndham, sign posted for those that haven't been there from Marshalls Garage in Wyndham. Remember club memberships for this season are due by the 17th, if you haven't yet renewed and have ridden the first 2 rounds then renew or after this round your points will be wiped - you can renew on the day or online at remember if you haven't yet ridden then jump on to sporty and register for the 3rd Round, if you have already ridden then no need to register again. Clear as mud I hope...… Any questions contact Penny 0272836068, and yes 2nd round points will be out soon. Almost forgot big thanks to Sophie Pennicott for the photo's I often use for our posters..... ALL THE SENIOR OPEN RIDERS THAT PAID LAST ROUND YOUR NAMES WILL BE HIGHLIGHTED THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID SO JUST NEED TO SIGN INTO OPEN CLASS.